Available settings for building a forecast

Think back to what you already know about trafficking a line item. The settings used there are almost identical to those of configuring a forecast.

When you’re building a forecasting query, always use these settings:

  • Inventory size
  • Line item type
  • Date range

The rest of the line item settings, such as delivery and targeting, are optional.

Choose any of the optional settings to distinguish what you want to forecast. You can mix and match the required and optional settings to get specific or broad criteria.

Differences between sponsorship and standard line items in forecasting

Forecasting for these two line item types is comparable. What’s different is how impression goals are set for each one.

Sponsorship line items

A sponsorship line item needs to have a percentage or share of voice impression goal.

A forecast for a sponsorship line item shows whether a specific percentage of inventory, of a specific size, is available for a specific date range. 

Example using sponsorship line items

You decide to run a forecast to see whether 50% of all 728×90 impressions for July are available, or 100% of all 300×250 impressions on Dec. 25 are available.

Standard line items

A standard line item needs to have a fixed number or quantity goal.

A forecast for a standard line item shows whether a specific quantity of inventory, of a specific size, is available for a specific date range.

Example using standard line items

You decide to run a forecast to see whether 1 million 728×90 impressions for July are available, or 100,000 300×250 impressions are available on Dec. 25.



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