Create First Look: allow rule

Let’s create a First Look – allow rule to include all other inventory and optionally set pricing and blocking for specific items.

Step 1:

Navigate to Inventory and select Pricing rules.

This will bring you to the First look pricing section. Select New display pricing rule.

For this example, we’re creating a new display pricing rule under the Display inventory type. The inventory types (Display, Mobile app, In-stream video, or Games) available to you depend on your network configuration.

Step 2:

Enter the Name for New display first look pricing rule.

In this example, the name First Look – Allow is entered.

Step 3:

Set the priority for your display rule.

Enter a value of 2 or larger in the Priority field.

Step 4:

It’s recommended to not update the Targeting section.

By doing so, you’ve enabled all non-blocked inventory for First Look demand. 

Step 5:

Set pricing and blocking

In the Rules for targeted inventory section, select Set pricing and blocking for everything or optionally Set pricing and blocking for specific items.  

Step 6:

Indicate whether to Set floor prices (fixed CPM) or Set target CPMs.

By setting floor prices, the lowest winning bid must be no less than the floor price.

Setting target CPMs can earn you more revenue over time by adjusting floor prices to match more bids. Floor prices on individual bid requests can be either higher or lower than the target CPM you indicate. But average CPM for your inventory is equal to or higher than the target CPM you specify.

In this example, we’re selecting target CPMs.

Step 7:

In the Branded section, select Allowed and enter the value.

The value should be high enough to keep the fill rate low. Unlike dynamic allocation, First Look doesn’t take the pacing of reservation line items into consideration.

Remember branded means the full URL appears for buyers and advertisers.

Select Save to save this First Look – Allow pricing rule. 



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