Control the quality of the ads shown on your site or app using the Ad Review Center. In this module, you’ll learn how to manage the ads that can appear on your site.

Control ads with the Ad Review Center

You can set limitations as to which categories of ads can serve to your sites or apps using Protections in Ad Manager. But you may still see an ad creative that you’d prefer not serve. Whether this happens due to category misclassification or any other number of reasons, it’s important to be able to prevent ads that you don’t want from showing. The Ad Review Center, which replaced the Creative review tool in Ad Manager, is the tool that makes the blocking of individual ad creatives possible.

The Ad Review Center provides transparency, flexibility, and the ability to review and gain greater control over the ad exchange ads that appear on your apps or sites. It enables you to take action on ads that don’t meet your quality standards.

Take action in the Ad Review Center

The Ad Review Center allows you to to conduct a number of useful actions. Use these features to manage ads.

Filter and search

You can filter and search for any particular ad that appears on your site. 

Review ad details

Ad type, buyer, the site on which the ad served, and the number of impressions per day over the last 30 days are all details you can review.

Allow or block ads

You can block unwanted ads that don’t fit your policies or are not aligned with your content and services.

Report unwanted ads

You can quickly and easily report unwanted ads that you think violate Google policies via the Ad Review Center. We appreciate that!

How the Ad Review Center works

Let’s look at an example of how the Ad Review Center works. Thomas is a publisher of the website TeamTravel, which features travel reviews and deals. Take a moment to get to know Thomas and how he used the Ad Review Center.

Thomas is an ads ops trafficker at TeamTravel. Today, he’s reviewing ads to make sure they’re aligned with his site’s policies. He’s concerned with three things today: competitor’s ads that appear in the articles on his site, policy violations, and competitor’s ads on his homepage. Let’s look at how he deals with all of those issues.

Thomas pursues an ad from a competitor that appears on one of his article pages. He searches for the ad with the competitor’s URL. Ad Manager reveals that this ad appears on multiple pages. He multiselects the ads in the Ad Review Center and blocks them all.

Realizing that this situation needs more attention, he then blocks all travel ads by using the general category blocking feature found in the Protections Tab.

Thomas pursues problematic ads and ads that are in violation of Google policy. He finds that there’s indeed an ad that’s in violation of policy appearing on his site. 

He does this by searching for the ad using the text of the ad itself: “Click here to win $1 million.” When it comes up in his search, he uses the Ad Review Center to block it. He then reports the ad and the advertiser.

Thomas pursues an ad from a competitor travel deals site that he doesn’t want to appear on his homepage.

He starts his search by typing in the homepage URL. When he finds it, he clicks into the Ad Review Center and blocks the ad.

Upon doing so, he notices the Deal ID and sees that it came from a Private Auction. Knowing this, he can connect with the buyer and remind them of terms of the deal and his site policies.



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