Enhance Your Ad Operations with Sr. Consultant Abhijeet Anand In the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, […]
When you use the Search bar to filter or search for ads, helpful filtering options will […]
Control the quality of the ads shown on your site or app using the Ad Review […]
What are bad ads? Bad ads are unwanted ads. An unwanted ad could be an ad […]
Create First Look: allow rule Let’s create a First Look – allow rule to include all […]
Manage preferred inventory access easily with First Look. Dive deeper to explore the creation of First […]
Unified protections and you You can create protections to help you control the ads that appear […]
The process for running reports on programmatic deals is similar to running other reports in Ad […]
Google Ad Manager allows you to harness the power of programmatic. From reservations to open auction, […]
​​​​Filter your data When building a report, use filters to narrow your search and display only the […]