Guaranteed vs. non-guaranteed

Depending on how you sell your inventory and how you want the ads to deliver, there are several types of line items to choose from. Line item type and priority are a starting point for determining how a line item competes with other line items. They’re broadly categorized as either guaranteed or non-guaranteed.

What is a sponsorship line item?

The sponsorship line item type has the highest priority and is guaranteed, meaning it must reach the goal that was agreed upon by the publisher and advertiser. This line item type is based on percentage and time.

Sponsorship line items are sold on the basis of cost per thousand impressions (CPM), cost per click (CPC), or cost per day (CPD). 

They can use all of the available targeting criteria. When you use targeting, the percentage basis becomes the percentage of matching impressions. 

When to use a sponsorship line item?

Use Sponsorship line items to offer the advertiser share of voice. This ensures the advertiser gets a certain share of the page views on the site. 

Let’s say you have an ad unit on your page and you want to give a 67% share of voice for one month to your advertiser. What will happen?

The sponsorship line item (represented in red) will serve two out of three times in the ad unit. Compare that to another line item (represented in yellow) with a lower priority, which will serve just once.  

If the ad unit serves 1 million impressions at the end of the month, 670,000 of those impressions will have been from that sponsorship line item.

What is a standard line item?

The standard line item type is a quantity-based, guaranteed line item. Instead of setting a percentage for this line item, you’d set an actual quantity of impressions as a goal. 

For example, if you set a goal for 1 million impressions in one month, then that line item has to serve 1 million impressions in one month.

Standard line items can have different priority types. If you want one to have priority serving over another, designate a higher priority. For example, a standard high (∧) line item has a priority of 6 and will serve over a standard normal (п) line item that has a priority of 8. A standard line item with the lowest (∨) priority is given the value of 10.

When to use a standard line item?

Use standard line items for directly sold campaigns with specific impression goals and defined start and end dates. 

What is a network line item?

A network line item allows you to allocate a specific percentage of your remaining impressions that the line item should fulfill. It can be set to have an unlimited end date. 

Network line items are eligible to compete directly with AdSense and Ad Exchange.

A network line item is a remnant line item type used to serve ads to a specific percentage of your remnant traffic. If sponsorship and standard line items have met their goals or are ahead of schedule, the network line item may serve.

When to use a network line item?

Network line items may only be used for representing non-guaranteed demand. For example, use these to represent third-party ad networks or exchanges.

What’s a bulk line item?

The bulk line item type is quantity-based and non-guaranteed. It serves a quantity of impressions that remain after sponsorship and/or standard line items have reached their goals, and network line items are not eligible to serve. 

Bulk line items serve based on a defined impression goal. Because the inventory for bulk line items isn’t guaranteed, the impression goal functions more like an impression cap, limiting the number of deliverable impressions. 

If the quantity is set for 3,000 impressions, the line item will stop serving once it delivers 3,000 impressions.

When to use a bulk line item?

Bulk line items may only be used for representing non-guaranteed demand. For example, use these to represent third-party ad networks or exchanges.

Use bulk line items when partners have ordered a maximum number of impressions but aren’t concerned about delivery timelines or guarantees.

What is a price priority line item?

Price priority line items serve primarily based on price, with optional daily or lifetime delivery caps. You set a cost for the impressions, and it will compete with other priority 12 line items.

When to use a price priority line item? 

Price priority line items may only be used for representing non-guaranteed demand. For example, use these to represent third-party ad networks or exchanges. Use price priority line items to fill your site’s unsold inventory with the highest-paying line item available. Highest-paying refers to the rate as booked.

In the case of third-party networks, this may not be the highest-paying line item. It depends on how closely the booked rate reflects what the third-party yields.

What is a house line item?

House line items serve only if no other paying line item is available. They’re the lowest-priority line item.

When to use a house line item?

Use house line items for inventory that won’t generate revenue, but may promote your own products and services.



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